Importing PDFs

Follow these steps to import PDF files directly into your project:

  1. Tap the Images button and select Import PDFs
  2. Tap the PDF Files Button. If you followed the earlier steps to create a .Zip file from your PDF files, and copied that file via iTunes File Sharing, it will be listed here. Select it. Alternately, you can tap the Edit button on this screen and select individual PDF files to import.
  3. Tap the Image Key Field button and select the field in your database that WarRoom should use to cross reference your images with your documents
  4. Tap the OCR Field button and select the text field in your database where you want WarRoom to insert the full text from the PDF if available.
  5. Tap the Bates Prefix text field and enter a new alphanumeric prefix. This step is optional.
  6. Tap the First Number text field and enter the number that WarRoom should start with when assigning bates numbers to the imported PDF pages. Remember to include any leading zeros.
  7. If you would like to capture the last bates number from each imported PDF to a text field, switch the Capture Last Page Number toggle On. Tap the Last Number button and select the text field where WarRoom should insert the last page number as it imports the PDF pages.
  8. If you would like to capture the PDF file name to a text field, switch the Capture PDF File Name toggle On. Tap the File Name Field button and select the text field where WarRoom should insert the PDF file name as it imports the PDF documents.

Please note that WarRoom does not provide an OCR function, so your PDF files must already be full text searchable before WarRoom can extract the full text to add to the database.