Importing OCR:

Occasionally, as part of a document production you will receive the full text in a separate folder (often named “Full Text” or “OCR”). This folder will contain numerous text files, one for each document included in the data load file. While this information can be included in the data load file, sometimes it is preferable to receive it separately so that you can choose whether or not to load it.

Follow these steps to copy the OCR files to your device:

On a PC:
  1. Locate the directory of text files that you received as part of an electronic document production. Typically the directory will be named “TEXT” or “OCR”. If the folder is on a CD or DVD, copy the directory temporarily to your desktop.
  2. Right-click on the text file directory and choose Winzip > Add to .zip (where is whatever the text file directory is named). This will create a .Zip file of the text file directory so that you can easily load it to your device.
  3. Open iTunes and click on your iOS device. Choose the Apps tab to see a list of the apps installed on your device. Scroll down until you see a list of File Sharing enabled apps.
  4. Select WarRoom from the list of File Sharing apps.
  5. Click the “Add…” button and browse to the .Zip file of text files that you created in step 2. Alternately, you can drag the .Zip file to this window.

On a Mac:
  1. Locate the directory of text files that you received as part of an electronic document production. Typically the directory will be named “TEXT” or “OCR”. If the folder is on a CD or DVD, copy the directory temporarily to your desktop.
  2. Right-click on the text file directory and choose Compress “”where is whatever the text file directory is named). This will create a .Zip file of the text file directory so that you can easily load it to your device.
  3. Open iTunes and click on your iOS device. Choose the Apps tab to see a list of the apps installed on your device. Scroll down until you see a list of File Sharing enabled apps.
  4. Select WarRoom from the list of File Sharing apps.
  5. Click the “Add…” button and browse to the .Zip file of text files that you created in step 2. Alternately, you can drag the .Zip file to this window.

Follow these steps to load the OCR text files to your database:

  1. Tap Data and select Import OCR.
  2. Tap the OCR Text Files button. If you followed the earlier steps to create a .Zip file from your OCR directory, and copied that file via iTunes File Sharing, it will be listed here. Select it. Alternately, you can tap the Edit button on this screen and select individual .TXT files to import.
  3. Tap the Image Key Field button and select the field in your database that WarRoom should use to cross reference your images with your documents
  4. Tap the OCR Field button and select the text field in your database where you want WarRoom to insert the full text OCR.
  5. Tap the Begin Import button.