Searching Documents:

There are a number of ways to search through your documents.

  • On the Document List screen, use the search bar at the top of the Document List to search for text across all of your documents.
  • If you want to search within the fields of a particular document, first tap the document. Use the search bar at the top of the Document Metadata screen to search all fields within a particular document.

For more complicated searches, use the Form Search. Follow these steps to search using the Form Search:

  1. Tap the Search button to bring up the Form Search.
  2. Tap the Add Search Component button to begin crafting your search criteria.
  3. Select which Field you would like to search, how you would like to search, and what it is that you are searching for.
  4. Tap the Save button to add this query to your Form Search list.
  5. Repeat as necessary to construct your search. When you are finished, tap Close.
  6. To clear your search, return to the Document List and tap the Clear button.